~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|\HOW TO BUILD A PAISLEY BOX! /|\ \|/ Genocide 2600 \|/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All right, so i mfucken in 40 cols..what's it matter? i just realized that many idoits out ther still dont know how to make one of the greatest anarchiust tools ever, the Paisley Box. This little beauty will do just about anuyt6hing ya want, including: --Seize operator lines --Remote control over all TSPS and TOPS consols --All other box functions combind in oine, includin blue, beige, and blotto so ya wanna know how to build this fucker and go out terrorizin ma bell..well sit tight, we wont bother with any fucken diagrams cause those are for dweebs (right necro? right!) here we go! first of all get about 20 lbs of quality drugs and 3 or 4 kegs. you might think that you need this for the contruction of the box but, you don't you take it all yerself!! this will mellow ya out enuf to follow our planz. lessee, oh yea parts list: --about 50 ffeet of copper wier, hopfully insulated --an old (prefer touchton) phone that ya dont need no more --a honda genorateer (don't pay for it, just card it. right necro? right!) --and one of the empty kegs that ya drank to put it all in. the genarater will fit fine and the rest ya can attach to the outsid if thats your fucken urge. now for tha actualy construciton details: oh shit, we forgot one fuckin thing. go to you local hadware stoer and find the guy who owns it, get a gun and blow his fuckin head off (you can card the gun two) this isn't for the box but, it fun and it will make satan happy so yor box will work better. now with the empty keg and all the stuf we put up there ( i think about 20 lins ofr so up )_ attach the genarater to all the other shit however ya please, now get some nice paisley wallpaper from your mom 9(steal it if she wants it still) and put it all on the oputsid of teh keg. you now have a 100% genuine Neon Knights approvd Paisley Box! How touse: hook that son of a bithc up to yir modem (thats only if you got a 212 cat. if you don't then you are an asshole anyway and the box will blow you fucken house aprt but, satan will be happy.) now turn yer dam computer on, and when the prkmpt comes up( hardwird into the box of cors! whatdday think we are, stupid? ) type: 666 (space) SATAN RULES (space) MY SWEET SATAN! then the menu will coume up on you screen and it will say. 1) fuck the operator around 2) take control of the pentagon 3) imitatte boxes (blue, blotto) 4) fuck-a-geek choose whatever ya want, except if ya get tired of it and want to trash th thing type 666 for a choice. the box will sef destructt, yer computer will explod, anmd in its trahsing death throes speak an chant taht will summon satan to take you away to the depths of HELL!!! `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' Call these genocidal systemz: The Gatest of Hell 555-51325-634637-3 1200 ONLY DAMMIT! Mephisto's Suicidal Nightmare 2436-234-666 (of course!) 1200 ONLY DAMMIT! The Dead Fuckers Realm 2436-99-2309 300 only for now (dammit!) end of file